About Wild Self Co.

Wild Self Co was born when I embarked on my journey of creating my Wild Women artworks and rekindled my deep bond with Mother Nature by connecting with the natural world once more.

My enthusiasm for colour and pattern merge seamlessly with my spiritual side, making the integration of printed accessories in my work feel like an organic evolution.

Since my early twenties, it has been my aspiration to establish my own brand, and now, with the perfect timing and environment, I’m ready to bring this dream to fruition.

Being a shamanic practitioner, I feel a deep calling to create meaningful objects and goods closely tied to my spiritual practice.

The designs are inspired by my affection for nature and my deep bond with the nurturing feminine energy of Mother Earth. My hope is that you gain value from these vibrant and sacred items in your daily routines, no matter what they entail. Infusing ceremony and ritual into everyday life, these objects rise above mere materiality, evolving into something sacred as we incorporate them, enhancing your spiritual pursuits.


Why Wild Self Co.?

In my early 40's an emotional earthquake shook me to my core and opened me up to my wild self. The veil that had concealed the reality before me cracked open, exposing some truths that had lain hidden. I went from being trapped in the clutches of deep-seated conditioning, merely existing as a passive observer of life's passing moments, to recognising the genuine beauty within existence and rediscovering my connection with nature.

On my path toward rediscovering my authentic wild self, I embarked on a journey that involved embracing yoga and meditation, maintaining a consistent journal for self-reflection, attending retreats, delving into the practices of Reiki, sound healing, shamanic journeying and healing.

Through this journey, I've come to realise that our true self can be awakened in the embrace of nature, through conscious movement, and within the realms of ritual and ceremony. It's about cherishing the present moment and showing reverence for the often-overlooked details of life.

These items hold profound significance for me, which is why I am eager to share them.